For Local Delivery

Home delivery to Local (Malaysia) Addresses
Quantity Peninsular Malaysia Sarawak Sabah
01 - 02 pcs RM9 RM16 RM18
03 - 05 pcs RM19 RM29 RM29
06 - 08 pcs RM25 RM37 RM37
09 - 10 pcs RM31 RM45 RM45
  • Certain items will not be applicable for local delivery, such as duty free liquor, tobacco, and selected brands are not available for local delivery.
  • For local delivery, it may take up to seven (7) business days to get the items to reach, from the day the order being placed.
  • Surcharge may be applicable for bulky items weighed more than 2 kgs per piece. The weight applicable is actual weight or volumetric weight whichever higher.
  • Surcharge is applied for items with “Bulky” tag.
  • Surcharge calculation as follow :
Surcharges to Local (Malaysia) Addresses
Quantity Peninsular Malaysia Sarawak Sabah
Every kg chargeable after the first 2 kgs. RM 5 additional on top of the original delivery charges

For International Delivery

Home delivery to Oversea Addresses
Quantity Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
East Asia, SE Asia North Asia, SW Pacific, North America, Europe West Asia, East Europe, South America, Africa
01 - 02 pcs RM80 RM105 RM220
03 - 05 pcs RM100 RM125 RM270
06 - 08 pcs RM120 RM145 RM330
09 - 10 pcs RM140 RM165 RM380
  • Certain items will not be applicable for international delivery, such as liquor, tobacco, product containing LAG and lithium batteries, and selected brands are not available for international delivery.
  • Delivery charges do not include customs/import duties and postal clearance. Any additional cost, if applicable, will be borne by the customer and paid directly to the respective custom and/or courier upon arrival of items in the country, and cannot be paid using any form of vouchers (including e-vouchers) or points.
  • For international delivery, it may take up to 14 to 21 business days to get the items to reach, from the day the order being placed.
  • Surcharge may be applicable for bulky items weighed more than 2 kgs per piece. The weight applicable is actual weight or volumetric weight whichever higher.
  • Surcharge is applied for items with “Bulky” tag.
  • Surcharge calculation as follow :
Surcharges to Oversea Addresses
Quantity Zone 1 Zone 2 Zone 3
East Asia, SE Asia North Asia, SW Pacific, North America, Europe West Asia, East Europe, South America, Africa
Every kg chargeable after the first 2 kgs. RM 45 additional on top of the original delivery charges